I noticed that I haven’t posted in my blog for a while, so here’s something to fill the void:
A while ago, I have implemented a few new features for the AUS Website. If you are a frequent visitor, you will find this one handy: Recent Items. It keeps track of up to 5 pages and posts you recently visited. To get back to a recently visited item, just click on the clock icon on the upper left corner.
Note that this feature is not the same as Recent Posts or Recently Updated Pages, which appear at the bottom of the home page and display the newest content published by the AUS.
Recent Items stores your recently visited posts and pages using cookies, which reside on your computer. So, privacy-wise, we don’t know what you’ve read, but your computer does. The cookies expire after 30 days.
Not a lot of websites (and, not to mention, student society websites) have such a feature, so I hope that you will find it useful. If you have any comments or questions, be sure to get in touch with the green icon (Contact Us) on the upper right corner.