The End is Near…

webmaster Updates

Elections season is almost over! This Thursday at BdA we’ll be announcing the 2015–2016 AUS Executive and Arts Representatives, and we’ll be holding a Transition Day over the weekend in order to welcome them to the AUS. Many of my projects for the year are wrapping up, and I’m thinking more and more about how to ensure a smooth hand-off to the incoming VP Academic.

That doesn’t mean that there aren’t still lots of things going on in my portfolio, though! Check out my penultimate Council Report for the details on everything that’s keeping me from my term papers.


ASEF Summer Opportunities

The latest summer job postings with SEDE and the Institute for Health and Social Policy can be found here. Keep an eye out in the coming weeks for more opportunities with the McGill Visual Arts Collection and Arts OASIS!


Proposed MA in the Public Life of Arts and Ideas

At our Legislative Council meeting on March 11th, the AUS officially endorsed the proposal from the Institute for the Public Life of Arts and Ideas (IPLAI) to create a new interdisciplinary Masters program. View our letter of support here.

The MA in the Public Life of Arts and Ideas (MA-PLAI) seeks to bridge the gap between traditional humanities research and the working world “by redesigning the humanities MA degree as an interdisciplinary program that incorporates social and cultural policy with arts and cultural policy with arts and cultural management studies, and by greatly expanding the kinds of training and research outcomes available to Masters students in the humanities” (read more). IPLAI is currently seeking university approval for the new program.

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