Agenda – November 8th, 2017

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The regular bi-weekly Legislative Council Meeting of the Arts Undergraduate Society will be held in Room 232, Floor 2, Leacock Building, 855 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montréal, on Wednesday, November 8, 2017, at 6:00 p.m.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Territorial Acknowledgement
  3. Roll Call
  4. Approval of the Agenda
  5. Approval of the Minutes from October 25th
  6. Review of Roberts’ Rules
  7. Announcements
    1. Speaker’s Memorandum
  8. AUS Accountability Survey (link to be made available during Council)
  9. New Business
    1. Motion to Instate QSSA (see Appendix A)
    2. Motion to Appoint AUS Positions
    3. Motion to Correct Language for Fee Changes via Referendum
    4. Motion to Amend the Fine Arts Council By-Laws
      1. Motion to Amend the Fine Arts Council By-Laws (as amended and carried)
    5. Motion to Endorse a YES Vote in SSMU Existence Referendum for Daily Publication Society
  10. Reports of the AUS Executives
    1. President
    2. VP Academic
    3. VP Communications
    4. VP External
    5. VP Finance
    6. VP Internal
    7. VP Social
  11. Reports of the Arts Representatives & Senators
    1. Report of the Arts Representatives
    2. Report of the Arts Senators
  12.  Reports of Departmental Associations
    1. AGELF
    2. AHCSSA
    3. ASA
    4. ASSA
    5. BASiC
    6. CLASHSA
    7. CSA
    8. CSAUS
    9. CSUS
    10. DESA
    11. EASSA
    12. ESA
    13. GSA
    14. HSA
    15. IDSSA
    16. ISSA
    17. JSSA
    18. LAPSA
    19. MESS
    20. MIRA
    21. MPSA
    22. MUGS
    23. NASSA (1 MISSING; Nov. 8)
    24. PSA
    25. PSSA
    26. RSUS
    27. RUSS
    28. SLUM
    29. SSA
    30. SUMS
    31. WIMESSA
  13. Question Period
  14. Next Meeting Date & Time
  15. Adjournment


A. Constitution of the Quebec Studies Students’ Association

Accessibility Information / Information sur l’accessibilité

Wheelchair Accessibility and Washrooms
The Leacock Building is wheelchair accessible via the Arts Building and Western entrance. Elevators are available across from Room 132. There is a gender neutral washroom on the fifth floor (across from Room 537).

Meetings of the AUS are generally conducted in English but French is an official language of the Society (Constitution, Part VII, Article 20.1). To request language accommodations, please email the AUS Speaker at at least 24 hours before the meeting.

Accessibilité aux fauteuils roulants et toilettes
Le bâtiment Leacock est accessible aux fauteuils roulants via le bâtiment des Arts et l’entrée ouest. Des ascenseurs sont disponibles en face de la salle 132. Il y a une salle de bain unisexe située au cinquième étage (en face de salle 537).

Les réunions de l’AEFA se déroulent généralement en anglais, mais le français est une langue officielle de la Société (Constitution, partie VII, article 20.1). Pour demander arrangements linguistiques, veuillez contacter le Président du Conseil à au moins 24 heures avant la réunion.

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