Agenda, September 20th, 2018

webmaster Legislative Council, Updates

  1. Call to Order
  2. Territorial Acknowledgement
  3. Roll Call
  4. Approval of minutes from last meeting:April 11th 2018
  5. Approval of the Agenda
  6. Submitting Reports and Motions to Speaker
  7. AUS State of the Society
  8. Arts Frosh Budget 2018
  9. Announcements
  10. New Business
    1. [Approved] Motion to Approve the Standing Rules of Council (see Appendix A)
      1. [Approved] Amendment to Article 11
    2. Motion to Approve Departmental Election Exemption for the Anthropology Student Association
  11. Executive Officer Reports
    1. President
      1. May
      2. June
      3. July
    2. Academic
    3. Communications
      1. May
      2. June
      3. July
      4. August
    4. External
      1. May
      2. June
      3. July
      4. August
      5. Up to September 20
    5. Finance
      1. May
      2. June
      3. July
      4. August
    6. Internal
      1. May, June, July, August
    7. Social
      1. May
      2. June
      3. July
      4. August
  1. Reports of the Arts Representatives
    1. May
    2. June
    3. July
    4. August
  2. Reports of the Arts Senators
  3. Reports of Departmental Associations
  4. Question Period
  5. Next Meeting Time and Date: October 3rd, 6:00 pm
  6. Adjournment

Appendix A: Standing Rules AUS Legislative Council

About the Author
