Agenda, January 16th, 2019

webmaster Legislative Council, Updates

  1. Call to Order
  2. Territorial Acknowledgement
  3. Roll Call
  4. Meeting Minutes for Approval: AUS Meeting November 28th 2018
  5. Approval of the Agenda
  6. Announcements
    1. AUS Elections Announcement to Council
  7. Unfinished Business
  8. New Business
      1. Motion to Amend General and Departmental Electoral Bylaws [PASSES]
        1. Motion to Amend the Motion to Amend the General and Departmental Electoral By-Laws [AMENDED]
      2. Motion to Amend Dates of Elections [PASSES]
        1. Friendly Amendment to Dates
      3. Motion to Amend the IRP [PASSES]
        1. Motion Amend the IRP [AMENDED VERSION]
      4. Motion for the QSSA to Hold Separate Elections [PASSES]
        1. QSSA Motion [AMENDED]
      5. Motion for The Religious Studies Undergraduate Society (RSUS) to Select the 2019-2020 Executive Independently [TABLED]
      6. Motion to Strike a Working Group on Standardization of Departmental Elections [PASSES]
  9. Executive Officer Reports
    1. President
    2. VP Academic
    3. VP Communications
    4. VP External
    5. VP Finance
    6. VP Internal
    7. VP Social
  1. Reports of the Arts Representatives and Senators
    1. Arts Representatives [Late]
    2. Arts Senators
  2. Reports of Departmental Associations
    1. AGELF
    2. AHCCSA
    3. ASA
    4. ASSA [Late]
    5. BASiC
    6. CLASHSA
    7. CSA
    8. CSAUS
    9. CSUS [Late]
    10. DESA [Late]
    11. EASSA
    12. ESA
    13. GSA
    14. GSFSSA [Late]
    15. HSA
    16. IDSSA
    17. ISSA
    18. JSSA
    19. MESS
    20. MIRA
    21. MPSA [Late]
    22. MUGS
    23. PSA
    24. PSSA
    25. RSUS
    26. RUSS [Late]
    27. SLUM [Late]
    28. SSA [Late]
    29. SUMS
    30. QSSA
    31. WIMESSA
  3. Question Period
  4. Next Meeting: January 30th, 6:00 pm
  5. Adjournment


Appendix 1 Departmental Electoral Bylaws

Appendix 2 General Electoral Bylaws

Appendix 3 Involvement Restriction Policy

Appendix 4 Involvement Restriction Policy Amended

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