*Note: The meeting scheduled for 13 February 2019 at 6:00 pm will be held on 14 February 2019 at 6:00 pm.
- Call to Order
- Territorial Acknowledgement
- Roll Call
- Meeting Minutes for Approval: AUS Meeting Minutes January 30th 2019
- Approval of the Agenda
- Announcements
- Presentation from AUS executives regarding POLI 339
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Motion to Bring the Question Regarding the Arts Computer Lab Fee to Winter Referendum 2019 [Passed]
- Motion Regarding Lack of Affordable Food and Refreshment Option in the McLennan-Redpath Complex
- Motion to Renew and Increase the AUTS fee [Passed]
- Motion to Approve the Decisions of the FMC from January 23 and February 5 [Passed]
- Motion to Renew the AUIF Fee [Passed]
- Motion to Approve Amendments to the EASSA Constitution [Tabled to Next Meeting]
- [Motion to Approve the Proposal of the Departmental Elections Working Group] [Late] [Passed]
- [Motion to Create the VP Services by Referendum] [Late] [Passed]
- [Motion to Ban the Recording and/or Taping of AUS Legislative Council Meetings] [Late]
- [Motion to Send Letter to Advisory Committee for the Selection of a Deputy Provost (Student Life and Learning)] [Late] [Passed]
- Executive Officer Reports
- Reports of the Arts Representatives and Senators
- Reports of Departmental Associations
- Question Period
- Next Meeting: February 27th, 6:00 pm
- Adjournment