Agenda, October 30th, 2019

webmaster Legislative Council, Updates

  1. Call to Order
  2. Territorial Acknowledgement
  3. Roll Call
  4. Meeting Minutes for Approval: Meeting Minutes AUS Council October 16th 2019
  5. Approval of the Agenda
  6. Announcements
  7. Unfinished Business
  8. New Business
    1. Motion To Amend Article 4 of the Equity By-Laws [passed]
    2. Motion Regarding Recording at Legislative Council [passed]
    3. Motion to Ratify Deputy Secretary General [passed]
    4. Motion to Ratify DRO [passed]
    5. Motion to Amend The IRP [late] [updated] [passed]
    6. Motion to Approve the New AHCSSA Logo [late]
      1. Motion to Approve the New AHCSSA Logo [amended] [tabled]
    7. Motion to Ratify a New Logo for the Philosophy Students’ Association (PSA) [late]
      1. Motion to Ratify a New Logo for the Philosophy Students’ Association (PSA) [amended] [passed]
    8. Motion to Approve French Translation of VP Services Referendum Question [late]
      1. Motion to Approve French Translation of VP Services Referendum Question [amended] [passed]
    9. Motion to Approve French Translation of AUTS Question [late] [passed]
    10. Motion to Approve French Translation of AUIF Question [late] [passed]
    11. Motion to Approve French Translation of ACL Question [late]
      1. Motion to Approve French Translation of ACL Question [amended] [passed]
  9. Executive Officer Reports
    1. President
    2. VP Academic
    3. VP Communications
    4. VP External
    5. VP Finance
    6. VP Internal
    7. VP Services
    8. VP Social
      1. VP Social – SEPTEMBER 18, 2019
      2. VP Social – OCTOBER 2, 2019
      3. VP Social – OCTOBER 16, 2019
      4. VP Social – OCTOBER 30, 2019
      5. VP Social May
      6. VP Social June
      7. VP Social July
      8. VP Social August
  10. Reports of the Arts Representatives and Senators
    1. Arts Representative
    2. Arts Senators
      1. Arts Senator Chloe Kemeni [late]
      2. Arts Senator Henrique Mecabô [late]
  11. Reports of Departmental Associations
    1. AGELF
    2. AHCCSA [late]
    3. ASA
    4. ASSA
    5. BASiC
    6. CLASHSA [late]
    7. CSA [late]
    8. CSAUS
    9. CSUS [late]
    10. DESA
    11. EASSA [late]
    12. ESA [late]
    13. GSA [late]
    14. GSFSSA [late]
    15. HSA
    16. IDSSA
    17. ISSA [late]
    18. JSSA
    19. LAPSA
    20. MESS
    21. MIRA
    22. MPSA [late]
    23. MUGS [late]
    24. PSA
    25. PSSA [late]
    26. RSUS
    27. RUSS [late]
    28. SLUM [late]
    29. SSA
    30. SUMS [late]
    31. QSSA
    32. WIMESSA [late]
  12. Report of AUS Committees
    1. AUSec
  13. Question Period
  14. Next Meeting is 13 November at 6pm!
  15. Adjournment


Appendix A: Final Text of the Involvement Restriction Policy

Appendix B: Amended (FINAL VERSION) Standing Rules

About the Author
