Agenda, November 27th, 2019

webmaster Updates

  1. Call to Order
  2. Territorial Acknowledgement
  3. Roll Call
  4. Meeting Minutes for Approval: AUS Council November 13th 2019
    1. AUS Council November 13th 2019 [amended typo] [approved]
  5. Approval of the Agenda
  6. Announcements
  7. Presentation from McGill Scarlet Key Society
  8. Moderated Discussion Period on the Free Trip to Israel Offered to some AUS Executives
    1. Questions for Moderated Discussion on Free Israel Trip Offered to AUS Executives
    2. Statement and Questions Brought by Councillors at 13 November Meeting
  9. Presentation of FAC Projected Budget 2019-2020 by the VP Communications
  10. Presentation of Arts Frosh Budget 2019 by the VP Social
  11. Presentation of the VP Finance Funding Memo F1920-02 on Surplus
  12. New Business
      1. Motion to Approve AUSec’s New Logo [passed]
      2. Motion to Ratify the Amended Constitution of the GSFSSA [passed]
      3. Motion to Approve FMC Decisions [passed]
      4. Motion to Amend the Inter-Faculty IRP [late] [passed]
      5. Motion to Suspend Departmental Executives [late] [tabled]
      6. Motion Regarding Support of the AGSEM Teaching Support Campaign [late] [passed]
      7. Motion to Ratify Statement Regarding the Hillel Trip [final [passed]
  13. Executive Officer Reports
    1. President [late]
    2. VP Academic
    3. VP Comunications
    4. VP External
    5. VP Finance
    6. VP Internal
    7. VP Services [late]
    8. VP Social [late]
  14. Reports of the Arts Representatives and Senators
    1. Arts Representatives [late]
    2. Arts Senators
      1. Arts Senator Chloe Kemeni
      2. Arts Senator Henrique Mecabô
  15. Reports of Departmental Associations
    1. AGELF
    2. AHCSSA
    3. ASA
    4. ASSA [late]
    5. BASiC
    6. CLASHSA [late]
    7. CSA
    8. CSAUS
    9. CSUS [late]
    10. DESA
    11. EASSA
    12. ESA [late]
    13. GSA [late]
    14. GSFSSA
    15. HSA
    16. IDSSA [late]
    17. ISSA
    18. JSSA
    19. LAPSA
    20. MESS
    21. MIRA
    22. MPSA
    23. MUGS [late]
    24. PSA
    25. PSSA
    26. RSUS [late]
    27. RUSS [late]
    28. SLUM
    29. SSA
    30. SUMS
    31. QSSA
    32. WIMESSA [late]
  16. Report of AUS Committees
    1. AUSec
    2. AUS Accountability Committee
    3. FEARC
  17. Question Period
  18. Good luck with exams and happy holidays!
  19. Adjournment


Appendix A Nov 21, 2019 Meeting Decisions

Appendix B AUS FY2020 Operating Budget

Appendix C Oct 2019 GSFSSA Constitution Updates

Appendix D WMST 2013 Constitution

Appendix E FMC Meeting Agenda November 21, 2019

Appendix F Hillel Invitation

Appendix G SSMU Statement

Meeting Audio Recording

About the Author
