At its Legislative Council meeting of October 19, 2016, the Arts Undergraduate Society of McGill University (AUS) endorsed the collective bargaining demands of the Association of McGill University Support Employees (AMUSE). AMUSE represents over 1,500 casual and temporary non-academic workers at McGill and has been in negotiations with the University for a new agreement since June 2015. At a Special …
Summary of Council October 5th
At this week’s AUS meeting we had one of the Associate Deans of the Arts Faculty, Jim Engle-Warnick, come in to speak about how Arts students can interact with the faculty body. This was done in hopes of improving transparency, and looking towards more collaborations in the future. Moreover, AUS also approved some administrative notes, like council rules of conduct, …
Summary of Council September 7th
At the first AUS meeting of the semester, we talked about our goals heading into the new school year. We also had a presentation by the Speaker of Council on Robert’s Rules of Order, approved stipended AUS hirings, and as we do each year, passed the Territorial Acknowledgment, recognizing that McGill is situated on traditional indigenous land. We also approved …
Summary of AUS Council Meeting January 27th, 2016
At this week’s meeting AUS Council voted to endorse the SSMU “Yes” Campaign for the base fee increase, amended bylaws for Arts Student Employment Fund (ASEF) to require student to submit post-employment reports – creating greater transparency in how funding is allocated. Council also brainstormed how to be more efficient in reporting AUS Council motions online, as well as …
Summary of AUS Council Meeting January 13
At this week’s AUS meeting we discussed our goals for the semester. AUS elections are coming up, and we’re looking for candidates for AUS Executive positions and Arts Reps. We’re trying to publish a centralized application form on the AUS website, so it will be much easier to access and apply for positions with the AUS! Council also passed a …
Summary of AUS Council Meeting November 18th 2015
The AUS Legislative Council held its regular bi-weekly meeting on Wednesday November 18th. The Council agenda included presentations on course evaluations and SSMU’s potential affiliation with a provincial student federation, regular reports from the AUS Executives, Arts Reps and Arts Senators, a discussion on planning for future Arts Lounge Renovations, and voting on several motions. Council voted to approve both …