2014: A Finance Odyssey

webmaster Updates

1:08 PM, February 21

AUS Office

Dear Fellow Arts Students,

The VP Finance portfolio has seen its most action-packed week to date, filled with lots of good news! A few updates:

1) The AUS  received audited financial statements from Fuller-Landau, and has presented them to the office of the Deputy Provost of Student Life and Learning (DPSLL) at McGill University–we have not been able to do this since the year 2008. This represents a major turning point in AUS finances and in our relationship with the DPSLL office. A new era awaits. President Fletcher and I met with our auditors earlier today to discuss changes to our financial practices which will ensure that we continue to produce audited statements for years to come.  I must also thank former VP Finance Saad Qazi for his invaluable work towards this achievement–it would not have been possible without him. You can view the statements at http://old2.ausmcgill.com/aus-fees/

2) The Arts Undergraduate Improvement Fund Committee met last night. I am proud to announce that this year’s meeting took only two hours, compared to last year’s six hours worth of meetings. We will not publicize the list of allocations until they have been ratified by AUS Council (March 12). However, if your association has applied for funding and you would like to know the tentative result of your application, you may contact me.

3) The Ethical Purchasing Policy Committee presented a tentative policy to AUS Council on Wednesday, February 19. Council will debate and ideally approve a revised edition of these bylaws in March.

Wishing you all the best,


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