Happy New Year! Essay Centre Recruitment, MoA & Teaching Awards

webmaster Updates

Happy New Year! I hope that you all enjoyed the break and were able to take some time to rest and recuperate. My Council Report for this week is available here, but as always, I wanted to pick out a few key happenings in my portfolio to share with you:

AUS Essay Centre

The AUS Essay Centre is currently recruiting volunteer tutors for the winter semester. Applicants must meet a 3.3 cumulative GPA and be available from 12:30-1:30pm some weekdays. Appointment-only positions are also available. To apply, send a writing sample to aus.essay.centre@gmail.com and fill out the application here by January 23rd.



Memorandum of Agreement

We have received the first draft of our new MoA from McGill. Among other things, it continues to restrict AUS SNAX from selling sandwiches and prepared foods, greatly increases the administrative fees we pay to McGill for processing our student fees, and adds new restrictions to the use of the McGill name in our student groups. More information to come.



AUS Teaching Excellence Awards

Have a Professor, Teaching Assistant or Advisor who deserves recognition for their teaching excellence and dedication? One of my more fun projects this term is chairing the Teaching Awards Selection Committee, which will review nominations from Arts undergraduate students. These awards will be presented at a formal reception in early April. Keep your eyes peeled for the nomination form in early February!


Office Hours

My tentative office hours for the term are:

Mondays 11:30am–2:30pm

Tuesdays 11:30am–2:30pm

This week is a bit messy with meetings and course changes, so I will confirm these after the end of the Add–Drop Period on Friday.





About the Author
