Arts Undergraduate Improvement Fund Decisions

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The Arts Undergraduate Improvement Fund Committee met last night (February 10th) for just over two hours for Funding February. Some noteworthies about AUIF:

– The fund contained $208 469.87

– As per the bylaws, 10% of the gross amount was set aside for the Arts Internship Office ($20 846.99), and 5% capped at $10 000 was set aside for the Fine Arts Council ($10 000)

– After these set-asides, $176 897.82 was available for funding proposals, which meant roughly $46 500 of funding applications had to be rejected

– Any AUS-affiliated group can submit applications (enclosed inside the zipped file). Departmental association/student group applications require 2/3 approval to pass, and Faculty initiated applications require 4/5 approval to pass

– AUIF is supposed to prioritize library improvements

– In total, AUS student group related grants (including FAC) totalled $24 000.15

– A note to everyone reading: please take care of university property. It’s expensive to buy and replace. For example, those human body chairs in McLennan-Redpath cost over a thousand dollars each. If you take a look at the Faculty initiated proposals, it’s quite incredible how much student space improvements cost.


The file below contains the applications, minutes, and decisions. If you have any questions, please email me at

AUIF 2015


Good luck with midterms todo el mundo,

Li Xue

AUS VP Finance

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