Agenda, October 31st, 2018

webmaster Legislative Council, Updates

  1. Call to Order
  2. Territorial Acknowledgement
  3. Roll Call
  4. Meeting Minutes for Approval: AUS Meeting October 17th 2018
  5. Approval of the Agenda
  6. Student Mobilization Around Unpaid Internships
  7. Announcements
    1. Fill out the Accountability Survey
  8. New Business
    1. Motion to Amend the Standing Rules of Council [Passed]
    2. Motion to Approve New Logo for the CSA [Tabled]
    3. Motion to Amend the AHCSSA Constitution [Passed]
    4. Motion to Advocate for the Removal of the “Redmen” Team Name at McGill [Passed with Friendly Amendment]
      1. Amended Version: Motion to Advocate for the Removal of the “Redmen” Team Name at McGill
    5. Motion to Approve FMC Membership [Passed]
    6. Motion to Approve FMC Decisions [Late] [Passed]
    7. Motion to Amend the AUS Constitution at Referendum [Passed with Friendly Amendment]
      1. Amended Version: Motion to Amend the AUS Constitution at Referendum
    8. Motion to Amend the Equity By-Laws [Passed]
    9. Motion to Ratify AUS Documents [Passed]
  9. Executive Officer Reports
    1. President
    2. VP Academic
    3. VP Communications [Late]
    4. VP External
    5. VP Finance [Late]
    6. VP Internal
    7. VP Social [Late]
  1. Reports of the Arts Representatives and Senators
    1. Arts Representatives [Late]
    2. Arts Senators [Late]
  2. Reports of Departmental Associations
    1. AGELF
    2. AHCSSA
    3. ASA
    4. ASSA
    5. BASiC [Late]
    6. CLASHSA
    7. CSA
    8. CSAUS
    9. CSUS [Late]
    10. DESA [Late]
    11. EASSA
    12. ESA
    13. GSA [Late]
    14. GSFSSA
    15. HSA
    16. IDSSA
    17. ISSA
    18. JSSA
    19. LAPSA
    20. MESS
    21. MIRA
    22. MPSA [Late]
    23. MUGS
    24. NASSA
    25. PSA
    26. PSSA
    27. RSUS
    28. RUSS
    29. SLUM
    30. SSA
    31. SUMS
    32. QSSA
    33. WIMESSA
  3. Question Period
  4. Next Meeting: November 14th, 6:00 pm
  5. Adjournment


Appendix A AHCSSA Constitution REVISED

Appendix B Final Report of the Provost’s Task Force on Indigenous Studies and Indigenous Education

Appendix C Arts Undergraduate Society of McGill University 2017 Financial Statements

Appendix D Standing Rules

Appendix F FMC Decisions [Late]

About the Author
