- Call to Order
- Territorial Acknowledgement
- Roll Call
- Meeting Minutes for Approval
- Approval of the Agenda
- Announcements
- Presentation from SSMU Executives to Explain Motion for a Fee Moratorium
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Motion to Amend the RSUS Constitution
- Motion to Approve the New MIRA Logo
- Motion to Amend the Financial and AUIFC By Laws [late]
- Motion to Renew the Arts Undergraduate Improvement Fund (AUIF) Fee Levy and Make the AUIF Fee Levy Non-opt-outable [late]
- Motion to Renew the Arts Computer Lab Fund Fee [late] [passed]
- Motion to Renew and Increase the Arts Undergraduate Theatre Society (AUTS) Fee [late] [passed]
- Motion to Approve the FY2019 Audited Financial Statements [late] [passed]
- Motion to Appoint the AUS Financial Management Committee (FMC) [late] [passed]
- Motion to Ratify Speaker, Secretary General, and Recording Secretary [late] [passed]
- Motion to Give the VP Services Voting Rights [late] [passed]
- Executive Officer Reports
- Reports of the Arts Representatives and Senators
- Arts Representatives [late]
- Arts Senators
- Arts Senator Chloe Kemeni
- Arts Senator Henrique Mecabô
- Reports of Departmental Associations
- Report of AUS Committees
- Question Period
- Next Meeting is 16 October at 6pm!
- Adjournment
Appendix A UPDATED RSUS Constitution
Appendix B MOA with CAPS (VP External Report)
Appendix C Financial By-laws Amended October 2019