- Call to Order
- Territorial Acknowledgement
- Roll Call
- Meeting Minutes for Approval: AUS Council November 13th 2019
- AUS Council November 13th 2019 [amended typo] [approved]
- Approval of the Agenda
- Announcements
- Presentation from McGill Scarlet Key Society
- Moderated Discussion Period on the Free Trip to Israel Offered to some AUS Executives
- Presentation of FAC Projected Budget 2019-2020 by the VP Communications
- Presentation of Arts Frosh Budget 2019 by the VP Social
- Presentation of the VP Finance Funding Memo F1920-02 on Surplus
- New Business
- Motion to Approve AUSec’s New Logo [passed]
- Motion to Ratify the Amended Constitution of the GSFSSA [passed]
- Motion to Approve FMC Decisions [passed]
- Motion to Amend the Inter-Faculty IRP [late] [passed]
- Motion to Suspend Departmental Executives [late] [tabled]
- Motion Regarding Support of the AGSEM Teaching Support Campaign [late] [passed]
- Motion to Ratify Statement Regarding the Hillel Trip [final [passed]
- Executive Officer Reports
- President [late]
- VP Academic
- VP Comunications
- VP External
- VP Finance
- VP Internal
- VP Services [late]
- VP Social [late]
- Reports of the Arts Representatives and Senators
- Arts Representatives [late]
- Arts Senators
- Arts Senator Chloe Kemeni
- Arts Senator Henrique Mecabô
- Reports of Departmental Associations
- Report of AUS Committees
- Question Period
- Good luck with exams and happy holidays!
- Adjournment
Appendix A Nov 21, 2019 Meeting Decisions
Appendix B AUS FY2020 Operating Budget
Appendix C Oct 2019 GSFSSA Constitution Updates
Appendix D WMST 2013 Constitution