Speakers’ List
- Call to Order
- Territorial Acknowledgement
- Roll Call
- Meeting Minutes for Approval
- Approval of the Agenda
- Announcements
- Jake Reed (SSMU President Candidate)
- Hussain Awan SSMU Clubs Representative
- Ethan Mendell
- AUS Accountability Survey
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Executive Officer Reports
- President
- VP Academic
- VP Communications
- VP External
- VP Finance
- VP Internal
- VP Services
- VP Social
- Reports of the Arts Representatives and Senators
- Arts Representatives
- Arts Senators
- Mary-Lynne Loftus
- Darshan Daryanani
- Reports of Departmental Associations
- Question Period
- Adjournment
- Next meeting: March 23rd, 2021 at 6 pm (EST)