- Call to Order
- Territorial Acknowledgement
- Roll Call
- Meeting Minutes for Approval
- Approval of the Agenda
- Announcements
- Consultation with Faculty
- AUS Frosh Report 2020
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Motion to Approve the Revisions to the Constitution of the McGill Environment Students’ Society
- Motion to Amend the Constitution of the Economics Student Association
- Motion to Approve Fee Increase for Panama Field Studies Semester
- Motion to Ratify the FMC Decisions
- Motion Regarding Electronic Meeting By-laws – Late
- Motion to Authorize the Executive Committee to approve the Meeting Minutes for 04/06/2021
- Motion to Ratify Arts Student Employment Fund (ASEF) Decisions – LATE
- Executive Officer Reports
- Reports of the Arts Representatives and Senators
- Reports of Departmental Associations
- Question Period
- Confidential Session
- Adjournment
- Thank you all for a great year in Legislative Council!! <3