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Front Title

This is the content for the front of your Card. You can put anything you like here! Make sure it's something not too long though. As Shakespeare once said, “Brevity is the soul of wit.”

Back Title

This is the content for the back of your Card.

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ASAP Peer Advising

Have questions about academic programs or degree planning?

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Chat live with an Arts Student Assistant Program Peer Adviser!

Available Weekdays, 10 AM to 4 PM.

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Front Title

This is the content for the front of your Card. You can put anything you like here! Make sure it's something not too long though. As Shakespeare once said, “Brevity is the soul of wit.”

Back Title

This is the content for the back of your Card.

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Arts Frosh 2015!


Arts Frosh is back.
Bigger and better than ever.

Registration for incoming froshies & this year’s frosh leaders is now open, alongside a brand new mini-site filled with everything you’ll need to know about the school-year’s kick off week.

Visit Frosh Mini-Site!

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