AUS Council Documents December 2

webmaster Updates

The documents for the December 2, 2015 Arts Undergraduate Society Legislative Council: Agenda Minutes Report of the President Report of the VP Academic Report of the VP Communications Report of the VP External Report of the VP Finance Report of the VP Internal Report of the VP Social Report of the Arts Representatives to SSMU Report of the Arts Senators …


VP Academic Updates

Are you an Arts undergraduate student at McGill? Have you worked on or are you currently working on independent or professor-supervised research? Are you interested in engaging with students in all areas of the Faculty on an academic level? Then the Arts Peer-to-Peer Research Symposium is for you!  The APPRS will be taking place on February 7-9, 2015, and will …

In Response to Arts Reps Feedback: Week of November 16th

webmaster Updates

This week we received this question: “Why does SSMU hire a Concordia student to run sponsorship? Why are we using student fees for someone who doesn’t even go here? I find it VERY hard to believe that there were no qualified candidates at McGill.” Upon receiving the question, we submitted this question to the SSMU President Kareem Ibrahim and received …

AUS Council Documents November 18

webmaster Updates

The documents for the November 18, 2015 meeting of the Arts Undergraduate Society Legislative Council: Agenda Course Evaluations Presentation Minutes Report of the President Report of the VP Academic Report of the VP Communications Report of the VP Social Report of the VP Finance Report of the VP Internal Report of the VP External Report of the Arts Representatives to …

Summary of AUS Council Meeting November 4th 2015

Ananya Nair | AUS President Updates

The AUS Legislative Council held its regular bi-weekly meeting on Wednesday November 4th. The Council agenda included an equity training presentation from SEDE, regular reports from the AUS Executives, Arts Reps and Arts Senators, and voting on several motions to approve referendum questions regarding renewing the AUTS and AUIF fees and regarding constitutional amendments around the AUS financial year dates, …

Fall 2015 Referendum Questions

Ananya Nair | AUS President Updates

The AUS 2015 Fall Referendum period is taking place this November (exact dates below) and the following questions will be asked to students. Voting takes place from November 20th to 27th at Timeline for the fall referendum: Last day to submit referendum questions via petition: Monday, November 2nd at 5 PM Last Council to approve referendum questions: Wednesday, November 4th …