The Constitution, the Bylaws, and the Memorandum of Agreement are the AUS’s primary governing documents. You can find the documents below. If you have any questions about the documents, please contact the AUS President.
- AUS Constitution– The Constitution of the AUS contains the mission of the AUS and describes the main functions of the AUS’s governance. The Constitution of the AUS can be amended only by a referendum (popular vote open to all members), which can be initiated by AUS Council or petition.
- Consolidated Bylaw Book of the AUS (September 2015) – The Consolidated Bylaws are a compilation of the governing documents and policies of the AUS, including the terms of reference for several of our committees. Below, you can find the consolidated bylaws in separate sections, in a more user-friendly form. The Bylaws can be amended by a 2/3 vote of AUS Legislative Council or General Assembly.
- General-Electoral-Bylaws– these bylaws govern AUS elections and referenda
- Departmental-Electoral-Bylaws-– these bylaws govern the elections of the AUS’s departmental associations
- Accountability By-Laws– these bylaws outline transparency and accountability measures for AUS positions, including channels for addressing concerns with AUS Executive performance and compensation reports
- Arts Student Employment Fund (ASEF) By-Laws – these bylaws govern the distribution of the Arts Student Employment Fund (ASEF), an optoutable fee that supports academically based student employment
- AUIF By-laws – Amended Sep 2020 – these bylaws govern the distribution of the Arts Undergraduate Improvement Fund (AUIF), an optoutable fee that supports capital improvements and the Fine Arts Council, the Arts Internship Office, and the Faculty of Arts Computer Labs; these bylaws also define the mandate and membership of the AUS-Library Partnership Committee
- Financial By-laws Amended Oct 2020 – these bylaws govern the AUS’s financial practices, including funding, bank accounts, and budget requirements.
- Fine Arts Council By-Laws – these bylaws serve as the terms of reference for the Fine Arts Council and govern the distribution of the Fine Arts fund
- FEARC Bylaws – these bylaws serve as the terms of reference for FEARC, the AUS’s First-Year Events, Academic, and Representative Council
- AUSec Bylaws – these bylaws serve as the terms of reference for the AUS Environmental Council
- Equity By-Laws– these bylaws serve as the terms of reference for the AUS’s Equity Committee and provides a framework for handling equity complaints
- Ethical Procurement By-laws – The AUS Ethical Procurement By-laws describe the society’s standard for Ethical Procurement which the Society and its vendors shall abide by. Furthermore, these By-laws describe the responsibilities, regulations and powers of AUS Internal Entities, affiliates, funding recipients, vendors and Executive Portfolios under this standard and these By-laws.
- Arts Computer Lab Fund Bylaws – these bylaws serve as the terms of reference for the Arts Computer Lab Fund Committee and govern the distribution of the Arts Computer Lab Fund
- Arts Community Engagement Committee Bylaws – these bylaws serve as the terms of reference for the Arts Community Engagement (ACE) Committee
- Francophone Commission Bylaws – these bylaws serve as terms of reference for the Francophone Commission
- Bylaws Regarding FIOs – these bylaws identify the decision-making process for frais instituionnels obligatoires (FIOs)
- Frosh Bylaws – these bylaws serve as terms of reference for the activities of AUS Frosh and Orientation Week
- ISAC Bylaws – these bylaws serve as terms of reference for the International Student Affairs Committee
- AUSPC Bylaws – these bylaws serve as terms of reference for the AUS Publications Commission
- Standing Rules – these bylaws serve as the regulations for the AUS’ Legislative Council
- Sustainability By-laws – The AUS Sustainability By-laws describe the Sustainability Policy of the Society. Specifically, these By-laws describe the responsibilities, regulations and powers of AUS Internal Entities, affiliates, funding recipients and Executive Portfolios under the organization’s sustainability policy.
- HR Policy – these bylaws serve as the regulations for AUS Human Resources
- AIO Advisory Committee Bylaws – these bylaws serve as the terms of reference for the Arts Internship Office (AIO) Advisory Committee
- Commuter Support and Engagement Committee Bylaws
- People of Colour Council By-Laws
- Involvement Restriction Policy
- Memorandum of Agreement – Because the AUS is an accredited and incorporated student association, this document outlines our relationship with and obligations to McGill University, and is renewed every five years.– Because the AUS is an accredited and incorporated student association, this document outlines our relationship with and obligations to McGill University, and is renewed every five years.