In Response to Arts Reps Feedback: Week of September 28th

webmaster Updates

09/29/15: In regards to the question on SSMU Executive Accountability, all information related to executives is available in the SSMU Constitution accessible publicly online. 09/29/15: In regards to the question about 1) laptop lending program, 2) lounge space, and 3) austerity:    We do, in fact, have a laptop lending program which you can find more information about here: Also, the …

AUS Council Documents September 23rd 2015

Ananya Nair | AUS President Updates

The documents for the September 23rd, 2015 meeting of the Arts Undergraduate Society Legislative Council: Agenda Minutes Summary of Roberts Rules for AUS Council AUS State of the Society Presentation (for questions only) Report of the President Report of the VP Academic Report of the VP Communications Report of the VP External Report of the VP Finance Report of the VP …

AUS Council Documents September 9th 2015

Ananya Nair | AUS President Updates

The documents for the September 9th, 2015 meeting of the Arts Undergraduate Society Legislative Council: Agenda Minutes Summary of Roberts Rules for AUS Council AUS State of the Society Presentation Report of the President Report of the VP Academic Report of the VP Communications Report of the VP External Report of the VP Finance Report of the VP Internal Report …

AUS Legislative Council Dates 2015-2016

Ananya Nair | AUS President Updates

Below are this year’s AUS Legislative Council meeting dates. Documents for AUS Council and updates can be found under the “Updates” tab at the top left of the page by click on “Legislative Council”. Please send any questions to president.aus [at] ! AUS Council Dates 2015-2016 In Leacock 232: Wednesday, September 9th, 2015 6 pm Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015 …

Announcement of Arts Rep Resignation

Ananya Nair | AUS President Updates

Hello, Unfortunately one of the three Arts Representatives to SSMU has had to resign from her position. Please see this press release for further details and information on the replacement process. Any questions can be sent to president.aus [at] Jacob Greenspon AUS President