So you want to be AUS VP Finance?

webmaster Updates

3:14, February 11 2014 AUS Office Dear Fellow Arts Students, Yesterday there was an information session for potential candidates for AUS positions. Thank you to all who showed up–it is great to see that there is so much interest in these positions! A few people approached me with questions about being AUS VP Finance–I hope that you are reading this, …

Announced Course Cuts in Faculty of Arts

webmaster Headlines

At the Faculty of Arts Committee meeting on January 28th, 2014 Dean of Arts Christopher Manfredi announced that due to a 10% cut in the Contract Academic Staff budget for each faculty ordered by Provost Anthony Masi in April 2013, there would be corresponding cut of $366,298 to the Faculty of Arts CAS budget. This decreased budget translates to a …

Council Documents | January 29, 2014

webmaster Legislative Council

Council documents for January 29, 2014, are available below. Agenda (Submitted for Approval)  Agenda Minutes (Approved) Minutes Reports President VP Internal VP Finance VP Academic VP Communications VP External VP Events Arts Senator Stewart-Kanigan  Arts Rep. Reedijk Motions (Submitted for Approval) Motion to Amend the ASEF Bylaws Motion to Approve the DROs Motion to Amend AUIF Bylaws

Sticky Rice and Sticky Situations

webmaster Updates

9:46 AM, January 29 AUS office Dear Fellow Arts Students, As I write this blog post, a large bowl of Thai sticky rice soaks on the kitchen counter of my apartment. Sticky rice–a staple of Thai cuisine–is best prepared by soaking the raw rice grains for at least five hours, and then steaming it in a bamboo steamer. I do …

embrACE Volunteer Week!

webmaster Updates

Planned for mid-March, the Arts Community Engagement (ACE) Committee’s annual volunteer week is looking for your input! If you are connected with a local organisation that you would like the AUS to work with or have any ideas for the week, please get in touch with us! We’re always open to suggestions and would love to collaborate. Shoot me an …

VP Finance Blog: The Samosa Issue

webmaster Updates

2:45 PM, January 22 Apartment, Montreal, QC   Dear Fellow Arts Students, I am enjoying a leisurely afternoon away from the office, away from classes (in my humble–or not so humble–opinion, waking up at 8:30 is worth it if your classes end by 1:00…thoughts?). Business is good. I have been tackling Revenu Quebec documents one at a time (not very …