The End is Near…

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Elections season is almost over! This Thursday at BdA we’ll be announcing the 2015–2016 AUS Executive and Arts Representatives, and we’ll be holding a Transition Day over the weekend in order to welcome them to the AUS. Many of my projects for the year are wrapping up, and I’m thinking more and more about how to ensure a smooth hand-off …

Spring in the VP Academic Portfolio

webmaster Updates

It’s actually getting warmer out there! I recommended that we hold AUS Council outside this week, but that didn’t quite fly. Regardless, please take a look at my March 11th report if you’re so inclined.   Memorandum of Agreement Negotiations & AUS SNAX The AUS Executive has released a statement regarding our ongoing negotiations for a new Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) …

Arts Student Employment Fund Summer Allocations

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At the March 11th AUS Legislative Council, the Summer 2015 allocation decisions of the Arts Student Employment Fund Committee (ASEFC) were approved. These were applications to the undesignated funds of the ASEF, which the committee is mandated to distribute to other employment projects for Arts undergraduate students on-campus. Below is a summary of the projects being funded for Summer 2015 …

Council Documents | March 11, 2015

webmaster Legislative Council

Council documents for March 11th, 2015, are available below. Agenda (Submitted for Approval)  Agenda Minutes (Approved) Minutes  Reports President VP Academic VP Communications VP Social VP External Arts Reps Arts Senators Motions (Submitted for Approval) Motion to Endorse Sexual Assault Policy  Motion re. AIO Fee  Motion regarding PFSS FIO Motion to Amend Equity By-Laws  Motion to Approve ASEF Summer Allocations …

Update on AUS Memorandum of Agreement Negotiations & SNAX Sandwiches

webmaster Headlines

The Arts Undergraduate Society is currently in the process of negotiating its new Memorandum of Agreement with McGill University, which outlines our legal relationship including the activities of AUS SNAX. Since receiving the initial draft of the new MoA in December 2014, we have met with the university’s representative in the negotiations, Vilma Campbell, on January 28 and February 26, …

Council Documents | February 18, 2015

webmaster Legislative Council

Council documents for February 18th, 2015, are available below. Agenda (Submitted for Approval)  Agenda Minutes (Approved) Minutes  Reports President VP Finance VP Academic VP Communications VP Social VP External Arts Reps Arts Senators Report from the Ad-Hoc HR Review Committee Equity Motions (Submitted for Approval) Motion to Approve AUIF Allocations Motion to Amend the Electoral Bylaws Motion regarding the Arctic …