Tip: Recent Items Menu

webmaster Updates

I noticed that I haven’t posted in my blog for a while, so here’s something to fill the void: A while ago, I have implemented a few new features for the AUS Website. If you are a frequent visitor, you will find this one handy: Recent Items. It keeps track of up to 5 pages and posts you recently visited. …

Life For Rent

webmaster Updates

2:22 PM, April 15 The Apartment Dear Fellow Arts Students, I am taking a study break to write this blog post, because that is what I love doing. My life isn’t for rent; I own it. And you should own yours, too. Yes, I’ve been listening to Dido while I study. Here’s what happens when you take a few days …

Council Documents | April 9, 2014

webmaster Legislative Council

Council documents for April 9th, 2014, are available below. Agenda (Submitted for Approval)  Agenda Minutes (Approved) Minutes  Reports President VP Internal VP Finance VP Academic VP Communications VP External VP Social Arts Senator Gholmieh Arts Rep. Baraldi & Jeong  FMC Motions (Submitted for Approval) Motion to Amend Financial Bylaws Motion to Amend Financial Bylaws Regarding Work Study Payment for AUS …

“Is Sam Higgs the Right Guy for AUS VP Finance?”

webmaster Updates

10:04 AM, April 9 The Office Dear Fellow Arts Students, There are no major updates in the Finance portfolio since my last blog post–we are mainly working on closing up the previous fiscal year. I was looking through my files and came across my campaign poster from when I ran for this position. …good times (click on the picture for …

Just kidding. But seriously.

webmaster Updates

3:10 PM, April 2 2014 The Office Dear Fellow Arts Students, Vault just released their latest edition of “50 Most Difficult Companies to Get a Job With”. Snax came in at number 8, just ahead of Amazon. Just kidding, but seriously. But actually just kidding. The deadline for the manager position is today, and the deadline for the cashier and …

AUS Snax is hiring!

webmaster Updates

This post is a job listing. Here is a PDF file containing the exact information below: AUS SNAX Job Openings   AUS SNAX Job Openings AUS SNAX is hiring! We are looking for a manager, assistant manager and cashiers for the 2014-2015 school year. Candidates MUST be Arts students and MUST have a background in business, project, or product management …