Shout Out to Reading Week

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11:39 AM, February 28 AUS Office Dear Fellow Arts Students, The Arts Lounge is practically empty right now; the lights are off, and hardly a sound can be heard. Maybe it’s because Reading Week is just a few hours away, or maybe it’s because everybody went to “Fourplay: a Classy Mixer” last night. Shout out to ESA, HSA, IDSSA, and PSSA for …

Minutes of Arts Student Employment Fund Committee Meeting February 25th, 2014

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On February 25th, the Arts Student Employment Fund Committee met to allocate a portion of ASEF deemed ‘undesignated funds’. There are a number of reasons for this surplus, however the most significant is that the ASEF is in part contributed to at a fixed amount levied on a semester by semester basis from students (the other half is contributed from …

Information Package on Course Cuts in Arts

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This is an information package I put together giving background to and detailing the upcoming course cuts in the Faculty of Arts. I hope the contents give sufficient information on this important issue, however if you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me at   Jacob Greenspon VP Academic, Arts Undergraduate Society   Arts Course …

2014: A Finance Odyssey

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1:08 PM, February 21 AUS Office Dear Fellow Arts Students, The VP Finance portfolio has seen its most action-packed week to date, filled with lots of good news! A few updates: 1) The AUS  received audited financial statements from Fuller-Landau, and has presented them to the office of the Deputy Provost of Student Life and Learning (DPSLL) at McGill University–we …

Council Documents | February 19, 2014

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Council documents for February 19, 2014, are available below. Agenda (Submitted for Approval)  Agenda Minutes (Approved) Minutes Reports President VP Internal VP Finance VP Academic VP Communications VP External VP Events Arts Senator Stewart-Kanigan Arts Rep. Baraldi FMC Chair FEARC Motions (Submitted for Approval) Motion Allowing Electoral Candidates to Speak at AUS Council Motion to Adopt the Francophone Commission Bylaws …

First Annual Campus Community Engagement Awards!

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Have you or someone you know had a positive impact on the community this year? If so, then this is for you! This year, the Arts  and SSMU Community Engagement Committees along with SEDE, are collaborating to bring you the First Annual Campus Community Engagement Awards! Click on the link for the application form and make sure to apply before …