Hi there! This is Willie, the guy who designed and maintains this website. I appreciate your visit to my blog and hope that something here will catch your attention.
Now, on to the topic of this post: what are the known compatibility issues of this site and what to do if you encounter one?
First, I plan to support the five modern browsers used widely today to the greatest extent possible. These browsers are Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Opera. If you use a browser that is not listed here, then you may encounter compatibility issues.
For each of these browsers, I plan to support the latest version only. If you are running an outdated browser, I suggest that you update it, as outdated browsers pose security risks anyway. If you run into compatibility issues with older browsers, please update to the latest version.
Additionally, I expect you to be using an operating system that is supported by its vendor. That means the AUS website is not supported on Windows XP or below, as well as Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard or below. Note that I will not be providing website assistance even if you have purchased extended support for your computer with such operating system.
As of writing, there is a known compatibility issue:
- On Internet Explorer, the menu choices may not be clickable if you are using a capacitive touch screen. To click on the choices, you will have to use either a mouse or a digitizer pen (if your touch screen supports it).
If you run into other compatibility issues and you are using a supported browser, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Have a nice school year, and, of course, welcome to the new AUS site!