Agenda, November 17th, 2020

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  1. Call to Order
  2. Territorial Acknowledgement
  3. Roll Call
  4. Meeting Minutes for Approval
    1. November 3, 2020
  5. Approval of the Agenda
  6. Announcements
    1. Accountability Report Presentation – *Confidential Session*
  7. Unfinished Business
  8. New Business
    1. Electoral Reform Motion – Tabled from Nov. 3rd Legislative Council
    2. Motion to Approve FMC Decisions
    3. Motion to Amend LAPSA Constitution
  9. Executive Officer Reports
    1. President – Late
    2. VP Academic
    3. VP Communications
    4. VP External
    5. VP Finance
    6. VP Internal
    7. VP Services
    8. VP Social
  10. Reports of the Arts Representatives and Senators
    1. Arts Representatives
    2. Arts Senators
      1. Mary Lynne Loftus
      2. Darshan Daryanani
  11. Reports of Departmental Associations (not required for first meeting)
    1. AGELF
    2. AHCSSA
    3. ASA
    4. ASSA
    5. ASUS
    6. CLASHSA
    7. CSA
    8. CSAUS
    9. CSUS
    10. DESA
    11. EASSA
    12. ESA
    13. FEARC
    14. FMC
    15. GSA
    16. GSFSSA
    17. HSA
    18. IDSSA
    19. ISSA
    20. JSSA
    21. LAPSA
    22. MESS
    23. MIRA
    24. MPSA
    25. MUGS
    26. PSA
    27. PSSA
    28. RSUS
    29. RUSS
    30. SLUM
    31. SSA
    32. SUMS
    33. QSSA
    34. WIMESSA
  12. Question Period
  13. The next meeting is on the 1st of December (6pm-9pm EST)
  14. Adjournment


Appendix A

About the Author

Cassia Nasralla