The Arts Undergraduate Society is currently in the process of negotiating its new Memorandum of Agreement with McGill University, which outlines our legal relationship including the activities of AUS SNAX. Since receiving the initial draft of the new MoA in December 2014, we have met with the university’s representative in the negotiations, Vilma Campbell, on January 28 and February 26, …
Apply to be Arts Valedictorian!
Each year, two outstanding undergraduate students in the Faculty of Arts are selected to represent their peers at the Spring Convocation Ceremonies. The Valedictorian Selection Committee is now accepting applications for the Graduating Class of 2015. Applicants will be chosen on the basis of their academic record, leadership, and dedication to the McGill community. They should demonstrate a strong willingness …
AUS Reading Groups are here!
This term, we are excited to present several AUS-sponsored Reading Groups led by undergraduate students in the Faculty of Arts. These not-for-credit discussion groups are a space for continued academic exploration and investigation outside of the classroom, in areas that students might not otherwise have the opportunity to study. They are open to all undergraduate students. The confirmed topics for …
AUS Teaching Awards: Callout for Nominations!
Do you know an outstanding Professor, Advisor or Teaching Assistant in the Faculty of Arts? Nominate them for an AUS Teaching Award! Please fill out the nomination form here and submit it to the AUS VP Academic via email. The deadline for submissions to be received is Thursday, February 26th 2015 at 5:00pm. Winners will be announced at the Awards Reception in …
Notice Regarding VP Internal
The AUS would like to inform our members about the vacancy of the VP Internal position, as the current VP Internal Roma Nadeem is not currently at McGill University for the Winter 2015 due to reasons of poor personal health. Operational matters regarding the portfolio were addressed during the Legislative Council meeting on January 14th during the agenda item “Discussion …
January: Work Your B.A!
Exciting things happening! First things first (to permit the cliche), check out the extravaganza that is WORK YOUR B.A! I’ve been working on this series of events since September with a great team of volunteers and coordinators. Here is the full schedule.We have two events coming up this week: WORK YOUR BA WARMUP! Arts Undergraduate Research Event January 14, 4:30 …