Arts Student Employment Fund

The AUS collects a fee from students towards the Arts Student Employment Fund, which supports academically-based employment opportunities for Arts students.

Application for 2020-21

Fall Deadline to Apply: December 8th, 2020

Winter Deadline to Apply: February 20th, 2021

Please apply by filling out this form.

ASEF Committee by-laws (updated February 8, 2017): content/uploads/2015/07/ASEF-By-Laws.pdf 

For more information contact AUS VP Academic at

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the ASEF?

The Arts Student Employment Fund (ASEF) supports career-advancing and/or academically-based employment opportunities for Arts undergraduate students. These include Casual Research Assistant positions with professors within the Faculty of Arts, as well as various employment opportunities with other units across campus.

Where does the money come from?

The ASEF is made up of the opt-outable Arts Student Employment Fund Fee, collected from students on a semesterly basis, and a matching contribution from the Faculty of Arts. The fee amounts to $6.50 per semester for full-time students (9 credits or more), $3.25 for part-time students (less than 9 credits), and one-half of the above amounts for Bachelor of Arts and Science students.

For Students

Where are ASEF positions posted?

Current employment opportunities can be found on the AUS job postings page. Please be aware that individual professors and units may also advertise their positions through other means including listservs, departmental websites and social media.

How do I know if I am eligible for an ASEF position?

AUS members are eligible for ASEF positions so long as they do not opt-out of the ASEF fee for the academic semester(s) of their employment, and will continue to be registered as Arts undergraduate students for the duration of the employment period (excluding the summer following transfer or graduation). Students may opt-out of the fee through the online opt-out process at the beginning of each semester, but otherwise will be automatically opted-in. Employment during the summer term is subject to the ASEF contribution for the Winter semester preceding it. If you are unsure of your status, please email the AUS VP Academic.

For Professors, Directors & Administrators:

I’m a Newly-Appointed Professor. How can I receive funding for Casual Research Assistant positions?

Professors should be informed of this funding at the start of their contract, and shall have a period of no longer than three (3) academic years in which to use the grant. Please contact the Office of the Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies, with any questions.

I’m a Director or Administrator–How can my unit receive ASEF funding for student positions?

Each year, the difference in funds between the total ASEF amount and that directed towards newly-appointed Professors becomes “undesignated funds,” to be allocated by the ASEF Committee of the AUS. Other McGill units may then apply for funding for employment projects from this amount.

How can I post an ad for my position on the AUS website?

Please fill out this form and forward it to the AUS VP Academic for posting.

How do I know if a candidate is eligible for an ASEF position?

McGill Arts undergraduate students are eligible for ASEF positions so long as they do not opt-out of the ASEF fee for the academic semester(s) of their employment and will continue to be registered as Arts undergraduate students for the duration of the employment period (excluding the summer following transfer or graduation). Students may opt-out of the fee through the online opt-out process at the beginning of each semester,but otherwise will be automatically opted-in. Employment during the summer term is subject to the ASEF contribution for the Winter semester preceding it. Please email the AUS VP Academic prior to hiring to confirm that your selected candidate is eligible.

What other guidelines are there for positions funded through ASEF?

Employment opportunities must have as their basis an academic orientation and must be of assistance to the student(s) in acquiring valuable career-related skills. The work assigned must be appropriate for an Arts undergraduate student and the employer must be available to provide the necessary support to the student as they seek to fulfil their duties. Employers must not take the financial situation of the candidate into account when accepting or rejecting applicants for the position. Additionally, Casual Research Assistants are covered under the AMURE collective agreement, while most other positions are covered under the AMUSE collective agreement.

What if my question wasn’t answered?

For more information, please consult the ASEF bylaws or contact the AUS VP Academic directly.