As many of you may know, the AUS Executives hold office hours. Now what the purpose of these hours are you ask? Very good question! For my office hours, you are literally welcome to come in and ask me anything about student life/student services at McGill. I can help you out. Chances are that if I don’t know the answer …
Happy September! Arts Health and Wellness Week
Dear Arts students! Now that we’re reaching the end of the month, I thought I’d give you a few updates on what life’s been like within the AUS Presidential portfolio. This month, we’ve implemented updates to the booking procedures for tables and lockers. Now table bookings and locker rentals begin online and you come into the office to pay with our …
Apply to my committees: Work Your B.A. and CBRC!
Hi everyone, How’s September going for you? Can’t believe we’re already into the third week of our term. I’ve survived August and September, including but not limited to AUS Frosh (a fantastic event this year run by our amazing VP Social Kyle Rouhani), Departmental Orientation, two sessions of AUS Council, and our Executive Retreat. I’d like to tell you about …
Back in Montreal!
Hi friends, So many exciting things are currently happening this summer. To start, I’ll be back in Montreal in the AUS office first thing Monday morning at 9am. If you are in town and find time in your day, drop by the AUS office (Leacock B-12) to say hi? Our office will be open for summer hours starting August 18th Mon …