- Call to Order
- Territorial Acknowledgement
- Roll Call
- Approval of the Agenda
- Announcements
- AUS LC Workshop on the Constitution Presented by the Secretary General Team
- New Business
- Motion to Amend the CSA Constitution
- Motion to Amend the CSA Constitution [added seconder] [passed]
- Motion Regarding Condemnation of McGill Faculty of Arts Promotion of Turkish Academy of Sciences Award [late]
- Motion to Increase Possible AUIF Allocations [late] [passed]
- Motion to Approve FMC Decisions [late] [passed]
- Motion to Ratify AUS Food Sales Policy [late] [passed]
- Motion to Amend to 2020 AUS Election Dates [late] [passed]
- Motion to Amend the CSA Constitution
- Executive Officer Reports
- President
- VP Academic [late]
- VP Comunications
- VP External
- VP Finance [late]
- VP Internal [late]
- VP Services [late]
- VP Social [late]
- Reports of the Arts Representatives and Senators
- Arts Representatives [late]
- Arts Senators
- Arts Senator Chloe Kemeni
- Arts Senator Henrique Mecabô
- Reports of Departmental Associations
- Report of AUS Committees
- Question Period
- Next meeting is February 12th at 6:00 pm.
- Adjournment
Appendix A – January 28, 2020 Meeting Decisions